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Monday, January 31, 2005

Tough Sportswriters

Now that Sammy Sosa's gone, it's nice to see the sportswriters--many of whom skip in and out of covering baseball whenever it suits them--digging in. Takes a lot of guts to rip someone when you'll never have to see them again.

Sometimes I think that some sportswriters are just overgrown children; everything is black and white to them. Either a guy like Sosa is an unimpeachable hero or a complete dog. Maybe it's because these guys count on players to be their "inside sources" that they have to coddle athletes when they're playing well and can dump all their repessed anger on them when they get the first chance.

(Unnecessary disclaimer: I have some friends who are sportswriters. They probably wouldn't like this post very much.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:04 PM, July 07, 2006

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10:26 AM, July 15, 2006

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